November 19th, 2023
November 19, 2023.
I’m an alcoholic, my home group is Into Action, my sobriety date is March 20,1986
and my name is Sharon G. Thank you for being here as we learn and share on how we can best Carry
the Message in District 9, Broward County. In January, we will be in Sarasota for our Quarterly Assembly,
and we hope to have full participation. If you haven’t been able to reserve a room, please email to get on the wait list. If at any time you reserve a room and cannot use it, please
notify that same email address so that they can transfer that room to someone on the wait list. If not we
lose it. Today, we will be having elections for a District Literature Committee Chair and 2024 Founder’s
Day Chair. Our Gratitude Dinner was enjoyed by all. Nice location, good food and a great speaker.
Thank you to Steve B and the whole committee of trusted servants. Steve will be providing more
information in his report. Our Area 15 Chair, Donna W, continues to host District Chairs and Alternate
Chairs monthly and we last met on Thursday, Nov 9th.
I’ve also been participating with some other District
Chairs in discussing more GSR participation and if funding would help. Our group consensus was that
this is a District responsibility and not Area15’s. District 9 is the only district currently offering Saturday
night rooms for GSRs that are not funded by their home group. We also are the only district that has any
organized structure with a Room and Ride position. Several districts were offering some assistance prior
to the pandemic and considering starting it up again. SSAASA7 – Southern States Alcoholics
Anonymous Service Assembly – was in Orlando this weekend and I attended, returning this morning. Lots
of workshops and panels.
Two timely things were discussed, one was a Membership Survey at
that hadn’t been distributed to the fellowship. General Service is trying different survey methodologies.
We were encouraged to distribute it. Another item was the email sent on November 17th, from the General
Service General Manger discussing the current financial status. The email is asking for additional financial
support from the fellowship. We will be forwarding the letter and a link to the survey. Just a reminder, We,
District 9 officers, District 9 Committee Chairs, ADCMs and DCMs, are here to serve you, the GSRs, and
the groups. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with comments or questions.
Again, thank you for beinghere and thank you for your service to Alcoholics Anonymous here in Broward County. Sharon G District 9