August 20th, 2023
August 20, 2023. I’m an alcoholic, Into Action is my home group, my sobriety date is March
20,1986 and my name is Sharon G. Thank you for being here as we learn and share on how
we strive to Carry the Message in District 9, Broward County. Thank you to those that were able
to attend the July Quarterly Assembly in Tampa and participate in workshops and of course in
the Sunday Business Meeting. Hopefully in October we will be back in Boca Raton and have
greater participation. If you haven’t been able to reserve a room for Boca Raton, please email to get on the wait list. If at any time you reserve a room and cannot use
it, please notify that same email address so that they can transfer that room to someone on the
wait list. If not we lose it. We have planning meetings going on with our November Gratitude
Dinner and Carrying the Message Day committee coming up on September 23rd at the 101
Club. This event is unique in that it’s the three service entities in Broward County working
together, Broward County Intergroup, Broward County Institutions Committee and us General
Service District 9. Please help us spread the word and encourage people that are curious about
service in AA in Broward County to attend the free event. Our Area 15 Chair, Donna W,
continues hosting District Chairs and Alternate Chairs monthly. Most recently the discussions
have been about how many of our Districts are looking at their Current Practice documents and
working to bring them current. One of the reasons is because the districts current practices
didn’t address what we all had to deal with starting in March 2020, a pandemic that didn’t allow
us to meet in person. This led to a discussion about several districts that have or are ending
their hybrid district business meeting such as District 10, Miami. However, District 1 has a very
successful hybrid district business meeting. Others not so much. More to be revealed. Today
we will be holding an election to fill our District 9 Literature Committee Chair, as Chris P is
moving out of the area to be with a family member. Thank you, Chris, for your service to District
9. Just a reminder, We, District 9 officers, District 9 Committee Chairs, ADCMs and DCMs, are
here to serve you, the GSRs, and the groups. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with comments
or questions. Again, thank you for being here and thank you for your service. Sharon G District 9