April 23, 2023
I’m an alcoholic, Into Action is my home group, my sobriety date is March 20,1986 and my name is Sharon G.
Thank you for being here as we learn and share on Carrying the Message in District 9 Broward County. Your district officers continue to meet monthly to better serve you.
Steve, Alt Chair, and I are meeting monthly with other District Chairs and Alt Chairs with Donna W, our Area 15 Chair.
Thank you for attending and participating last week in Boca Raton at our April Quarterly Assembly. We had a solid number of 36 voting participants and lots of others.
Thank you to those that took on responsivities of Chairing a committee and those that olunteered. Cary W, Area 15 delegate, heard our voices and will take those voices with her to
the Panel 73General Service Conference held in New York this week. Today we will have all committees give their full reports. Our Founders Day Picnic, scheduled for June 4th, is on track.
We had a great turnout at the first planning meeting.. More information will be reported later in the meeting. In addition, we will hear some information about our Gratitude Dinner. However, in
just 2 weeks we will be having our Old Timers meeting at the 101 Club on May 13th. Hopefully you took a look in Boca at our extensive District 9 Archives. And that was only a portion of what we have.
Thank you for your passion, your enthusiasm about AA here in District 9, and thank you for your service.
Sharon G District 9 Chair 954-560-1880 chairperson@district9aa.org